The RHIB Driver is responsible for the RHIB on board the ResQ vessel.
Please note that this is a volunteer/unpaid position.
The RHIB Driver steers the RHIB during rescues, transfers and drills, keeps the RHIB clean and ready to operate 24/7, supported by the mechanic and following the related check-lists (cleaning, rinsing, gasoline, rescue equipment checks, lifting equipment check, safety equipment checks).
The RHIB Driver ensures the launching and recovering procedures are respected.
Experience with driving RHIBs in different and adverse weather conditions, ideally also at night.
Excellent slow handling skills.
Ability to work/steer under pressure.
Remains calm in stressful situations.
Fluent English level.
Strong motivation and commitment towards ResQ’s core objectives.
Ability to work and live in a diverse team of 21 persons.
High flexibility and spirit of adaptability. Willingness to take part in the daily life of the ship.
Previous experience with humanitarian aid work and/ or SAR vessels is a strong plus.
International Certificate of Competence: RYA Powerboat Level 2 or equivalent license.
VHF license (Short Range Certificate) and experience with radio communication.