People Saving People
Rescue at sea, care on shore
Every day, at the borders of Europe, human beings are dying, human rights are violated, our values are drowning.
We joined together to take action against the political and cultural drift that has turned our Mediterranean into the world’s largest cemetery, a grave for men, women and children but also for human rights and all the values we believe in. The same drift that has made the Balkan route a hell on earth for those seeking refuge or a better life in Europe.
At sea, on shore
Until Europe will be building walls, instead of opening safe and legal passages for those who need them, we will count the victims on the borders. It is for them that we provide assistance in the Mediterranean sea and in Trieste.
Life, dignity, ethics
Doing Search and Rescue today, in the central Med, means protecting life at sea but also international Conventions and human rights, our ethics, all the values we believe in. This is our mission: saving lives, safeguarding rights.
People Saving People
ResQ is made up of everyone, teachers and students, doctors and artists, entrepreneurs and artisans, cooperatives and associations, public figures and total strangers. Everyone and all who decide to be on the right side.

Central Mediterranean Sea in figures
in 2023
since 2014
(estimated + 32.000)
in 2023
Dati IOM –
The ResQ Project
At sea, on land, and in schools
We want to live in a world where people on the move – fleeing dramatic conditions in their Countries of origin, or just following their dreams for a brighter future – are offered safe passages to Europe, not walls and pushbacks. A world where one is forced to risk their lives at sea.
That’s why, on land, we strive to promote a culture of respect for human rights and the protection of dignity of all human beings. We raise awareness and spread education about migration, search and rescue, solidarity.
We want to live in a world where there’s no longer need for our help. Until then, we’ll do our best to save lives and assist those who suffer.