While navigating in SAR zone, we hear a disturbed radio communication: a fishing vessel is calling Lampedusa Radio to give the position of a distress case. When we approach, we are able to contact via a radio a fishing vessel that is leaving the area, to collect as much informations as possibile about this distress case: when was spotted last time? What kind of boat it is? How many people on board, what is the condition of the vessel? And we start to search.
With the last light of the day, eventually we spot the boat: it’s a small wooden boat, with nine people on board. We launch our RHIB and we proceed to rescue them: they immediately tell us that they were stranded at sea for four days. We bring them safely on board ResQ People and we inform the authorities, who assign us the Place of Safety of Pozzallo.

At sunset we enter the port of Pozzallo, shortly after the authorities give us the green light to start disembarking the survivors. One after another, they reach our gangway and thank us with a smile, before going to shore: “You are so kind!”. As said, we are not. Just normal human beings, trying to do their best to save other human beings.
People saving People: this is ResQ. Join us on board with a donation, let’s prepare next mission together!